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Social Media Poses Grave Risk For Children

By Mamta Gupta

Social Media is the new ‘evil’. Despite its many benefits and advantages, the perils and risks of social media keep drawing attention. Social media is everywhere and used by almost everyone capable of using a smartphone. And now, social media is widely used by predators and paedophiles who target young, innocent children. There is a pressing need to address the situation and ensure children are safe in the confines of their homes and schools.

Both children and parents must be aware of the perils of social networking sites. Predators are
always on the look for vulnerable and unaware children who are easy prey
All over the world, governments and education institutions are grappling with the problems that arise with the ‘abuse’ of social media. In most nations around the world, the governments are drafting policies to regulate social media as it is widely used to cause unrest, trigger anti-national activities and riots and spread fake news. Similarly, educational institutions such as schools and colleges are finding it difficult to prevent the misuse of social media that directly puts their students at risk.

In India, the government is twiddling its thumb over a comprehensive and encompassing policy to ensure the safety and security of school children. In the absence of a clear-cut regulation or legislation regarding the use, misuse of social media and ensuing penalties and remedies, each school is left to frame rules and regulations for their own students. In fact, schools are devising ways to incorporate social media and new-age technology with the existing teaching styles to upgrade teaching standards and learning outcomes. So, to strike a balance and ensure social media is ‘used’, not ‘misused’ is a difficult task and almost impossible to achieve.

The internet is flooded with social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Youtube, TikTok being some of the most popular ones. For older children, the risks mostly originate directly from their own activities by being active on social media. The fact that social media has become too pervasive and intrusive also means that the risks are also very high.

Both children and parents must be aware of the perils of social networking sites. Predators are always on the look for vulnerable and unaware children who are easy prey. Once the risks are identified and understood, actions and strategies can be implemented to minimise the danger and the threat to children on social media.

For children in the pre-primary age group, the risks of social media arise mainly from the activities of their parents, relatives, teachers and other users of social networking sites and not the children themselves.

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